Sunday, August 30, 2009

Menstrual Cycle And Religion

Great significance is attached to the menstrual cycle of women in Swaminarayan Dispensation. Since the days of menstruation, are the days of unusual physiological activities and chemical changes in the female body, they are sure to have somatopsychological impact of unusual nature. The whole process is closely associated with the destruction and elimination of the creative potential principle, associated with potential pregnancy

The idea of the loss of blood in any form is closely connected with our fear of weakness and death. That is why consciously or unconsciously, the women feel a sense of sickness and depression and some unknown fear. Nature has provided a peculiar odour to this menstrual blood. This odour is repulsive to all. That is why, by nature the women in menstrual cycle prefer to remain aloof.

As this blood is likely to carry microbes, the women are considered to be sick and the food cooked by such a woman is considered to be unacceptable. Even Africans believed that food cooked by such a woman would make them sick. Some medical experts believe that the menstrual period adversely affects the job-performance. Mythologically the menstrual blood was looked upon as a sin. So the women of naskapi tribe in Canada conceited their faces with skin-veil and they slept on deer-hyde.

Just before the onset of the ejection of menstrual blood, the woman becomes more emotional and unpredictable. She also becomes slightly depressed. There are bouts of anger. At times, they weep for no apparent cause. They get strange food cravings. All this is said to be the result of chemical changes occurring in their bodies.

Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan ordains in Shikshapatri: “All female followers, married (including virgins) and widows should never conceal the fact of menstruation. – (Shikshapatri verse – 173).

The direction was given to provide prophylatic effect against the spread of diseases by menstrual blood. Women in various jobs have to touch men at times. This may be inevitable in few cases. But in most of cases women can pull on normally without touching any man or woman for 3 to 4 days without great difficulty or inconvenience Modern science sees through experiments but spiritually enlightened persons have found out certain truths through intuition. Which may be taken as hypothesis for modern medical science to find out truth behind them through experimentation and critical studies.

Shree Hari further directs: “And when they come into menses they shall not touch any person or other clothes for 3 days but on the 4th day, after taking bath, they may do so. – (Shikshapatri verse – 174).

There is deep meaning behind this verse. Women in those days were considered to be an instrument to fulfill all services towards the family and to give birth to child and to bring them up. For the woman, maximum hours of a day are taken-up for the duties towards the family. When the woman is having her period, for those 4 to 5 days she has a very piteous and destructive attitude. She does not know what to do with the energy which vibrates and haunts the innermost core of her being.

To make this destructive energy constructive, the woman has to become more alert and aware, so that she can rise a little higher than her biology. If she does not follow this, she is in grip of this destructive phase.

People generally deal with woman in these days as if she is a washerwoman of the house. They take maximum work from her in such critical period, which is totally unfair. She is a kind of patient, so she deserves sympathy.

Women are prohibited to touch person or clothes because they must be free at least these 3 to 4 days of stress. In such time they cannot perform rituals but they must do recitation and meditation. This will induce a harmony with their biological imbalance. And they will be free from the clutch of the above said destructive and depressive phase of the peculiar 3 to 4 days.

Design & Concept : Jnan Baug, Vadtal


  1. I always wondered about this, but didnt really know who to ask. this made me understand alot about what shreeji maharaj had said in the shikshapatri. I understand it soo much better now. But i just had one question that in shikshapatri shreeji maharaj has written that you shouldnt let anybody know about your menstural period, but in order to not be touched or do anything for 4 days, you have to tell somebody about it. And it always differs according to the situation. so isnt that abit contradicting everything else? i am just abit confused...

  2. To answer your question Karishma about menstruation is a reading error on your part I think. In the Shikshapatri, a woman during menstruation is referred to as a Rajsvala and should observe what is known as the Maasic Vrata. In the Shikshapatri shlok 173, it is written that a woman should NEVER CONCEAL the period of menstruation, and in shlok 174, Bhagwan Swaminarayan goes on to say that during this time, women shall avoid the touch of persons, clothing and other items for 3 days, and on the fourth day should purify themselves with a complete bath. They shall avoid all religious activity during this time and give domestic responsibilities to others within the household.
    The word CONCEAL means not to hide.

  3. There are a number of reasons for women to avoid all religious activity during this time and give domestic responsibilities to others within the household. One of the reasons is that a woman is considered impure during this time as she is losing blood, but along with that, heat and harmful toxins are also being excreted from the body. As a result, her body is weaker, and so she is required to rest. That is why she has been allocated these 3 days to rest and allow the rest of her family to look after her household duties. To understand this concept better, as to why we do not touch certain things during a period, it is comparable to sutak - a period of impurity consequent upon birth or death, where close relatives are not to touch or be involved in religious activity for a number of days. Another such example is when there is an eclipse and every activity is left aside, and when the eclipse is over, everyone should be purified by taking a bath.

    However, on a more positive note, at this time of the month, the woman is a Devta, as Brahma (the creator) who resides inside her reveals himself, and therefore she is on a higher spiritual level than us all and so we must avoid touching her.

    It is difficult to observe the rules laid down above in the modern day and age, although not impossible. This is Bhagwan Swaminarayan's aagna, and when He wrote it, He had the situation in mind. A woman feels responsible to feed her family everyday, but effort can be made to allow someone else to do the cooking, like a neighbour or a relative near by. In this situation, the rest of the family also have to be cooperative as it is important to follow this to keep the home as pure as possible.

    It may be hard to not be touched and to follow this when at work, school, etc. Also some people don't follow it because it isn't what they believe in. Ideally, upon return to home if food is cooked with the intention of serving to God, then a bath should be taken so that one is in the utmost pure condition. This will purify the person from all the influences imposed during the course of the day.

    The process may seem like a punishment, but the whole idea of following these rules is with the woman's best interests at heart, and for her to rest during this period as her body is weak. It's only when a woman is out of the kitchen that her value is realised how hard it is for those 3 days!
