Monday, October 12, 2009

Chitra Varta - kalidatt

------------------- Part -1 ------------------------------- Part -2 -------------------

Design & Concept : Jnan Baug, Vadtal

1 comment:

  1. When I read the following lines,
    "Like the dust, thrown at the sun.
    Like a ball, thrown at the wall.
    Like beating, the wall with fists.
    Like throwing, boomerang at a bird.
    Like digging, a pit for others to talk.

    Evil shall come to those who do evil to others."

    reminds me that you should treat others with the same respect that you would like to receive from them. Even when a person may show disrespect to you, you still show compassion and respect to that person especially to an elder.

    I remember reading in the Vachnamrut how Lord Swaminarayan was on his journey and came across a sick elderly man who was injured. The Lord put his journey on hold and tried to help nurse this man back to better health. For a month or more Lord Swaminarayan has shopped for this man's food, cooked his food, and bathed him. Not one time did this elderly man offer the Lord money, food, shelter, or even say thank you. When someone is showing you such compassion and niceness as the Lord was showing this man, how could this man be so evil and not treat the Lord the same way as he has been being treated?
