Sunday, June 06, 2010

Seven Blunders

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Design & Concept : Jnan Baug, Vadtal


  1. true.. I agree...all 7 are perfect but I like #6.. Worship without sacrifice...

  2. (1) Wealth Without Work
    If Gandhi’s words can be taken in a broader spirit, then wealth equates to income. One should not be given something they did not earn. Yet we are on the precipice of seeing precisely that in large scale.

    How will this affect society? The “rich” will do what they always do – they will adjust their risk/reward calculus. The “poor” do it, too. Neither will work the extra shift if they won’t get paid for it. So the “rich” will take a longer vacation rather than work another 60- to 80-hour work week. That will result in less income. That will require the government to do what they do best – raise taxes even more in order to maintain revenue levels. That will result in greater disincentive to earn more money. By the way, the “rich” will create fewer jobs in the process.

    (2)Pleasure Without Conscience
    Is it the pleasure of spending on luxuries beyond one’s means? Is it physical pleasure? Is it receiving pleasure by harming something or someone? Pleasure comes with responsibility, yet we seem to be a society that wishes to shove aside the latter. Shoving aside responsibility does not sit well with those that care about society.

    (3) Knowledge Without Character
    What is character? It seems to be principle, perhaps accountability. In context of knowledge, it is having a purpose for gaining knowledge. It is meshing reality into book learning. It is interlacing normative with applied. When knowledge is claimed, yet plainly character is set aside, then society fractures. Fractured societies do not live peaceably.

    (4) Commerce Without Morality
    Morality in a sense is not a religion. It is the traditional sense of the word – Ethics. Good decisions take good information. Some good information only comes after years of study. Is there collateral damage because of some repetitive act in commerce? Study it.

    Commerce needs to act morally so as not to disproportionally take away from our resources, but equally so, commerce needs to be allowed to develop without false premises driving up their cost of business.

    (5) Science Without Humanity
    Gandhi was right – take humanity out of science and it could get ugly. It just isn’t our issue. And those that state to the contrary focus on exceptions to make rules – not a good way to run a country.

    (6) Worship Without Sacrifice
    Societal discord comes into view when people worship something without a need for personal sacrifice. They become very local in their decisions. They do what gives them the greatest pleasure in the moment. They act without morals in the sense that they lose sight of greater society. Without a moral compass driven by an external standard, all Hell – literally – breaks out. Over time, people act in kind.

    Worship God. Conform to his rules. Everything will be just fine. Sacrifice in the very nature of steadfast worship.

    (7) Politics Without Principles
    The number one reason for our society discord, our passive violence, at present, is that our politicians lack principle.
